Categorie Documentaire

Olé Olé Olé!: A Trip Across Latin America

Op 25 maart gaven de Rolling Stones een concert in Havanna. Voor het eerst sinds het opheffen van het embargo tegen Cuba stond er een bekende rockband op cubaanse bodem. Meer dan 1 miljoen Cubanen waren aanwezig tijdens dit historische concert.

Full-width Post: Riderless Bike

The driverless car is widely heralded as the transportation method of the future but many critics say there are more efficient and greener ways to navigate through our world. Enter the riderless bike. The small Vancouver, B.C., startup RDRLESS, is…

The Physics of Flip Tricks

Before this video, you probably thought you’d never return to the study of motion past high school physics. YouTube channel Super Deluxe makes a good point, though: “Without the laws of physics, there’d be no Ollies, Nollies, Kickflips, or Backflips.”…


From Oscar-winning director Clint Eastwood (“American Sniper,” “Million Dollar Baby”) comes Warner Bros. Pictures’ drama “Sully,” starring Oscar winner Tom Hanks (“Bridge of Spies,” “Forrest Gump”) as Captain Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger. On January 15, 2009, the world witnessed the “Miracle…

Jason Bourne

Matt Damon returns to his most iconic role in Jason Bourne. Paul Greengrass, the director of The Bourne Supremacy and The Bourne Ultimatum, once again joins Damon for the next chapter of Universal Pictures’ Bournefranchise, which finds the CIA’s most…

Inside the Svalbard Seed Vault

Home to nearly a million seeds from around the world, the Svalbard seed vault is our insurance against a doomsday catastrophe. Below you can find some great resources to learn more about the Global Seed Vault – including an interactive…