Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Colin Furze is overdag een loodgieter, maar in zijn vrije tijd trekt hij zich terug naar zijn garage en bedenkt allerlei vreemde en wonderlijke constructies, zoals de Jet Bike en ‘s werelds snelste scootmobiel.
In deze korte documentaire zien we ook hoe Colin Furze, die zijn eigen Youtube kanaal heeft het Guinness World Record behaalde voor ‘s werelds snelste kinderwagen, ‘s werelds langste motorfiets en ‘s werelds grootste vreugdevuur!
Colin Furze is a plumber by day – but in his spare time he retreats to his garage and invents things. Not necessarily useful things.
He has invented a jet-bike and has made his own “wall of death” for motorbikes.
He also holds the Guinness World Record for the fastest pram, as has earned more records though his unique creations.
BBC News went to meet Colin Furze in his workshop.
Please take extra care if you are inventing things in your shed. The BBC does not recommend trying these stunts at home.
Archive stunt footage courtesy of Colin Furze